The dayrate of 5750NOK is for a group of up to four guests. Additional guests are 1500NOK/person. When a booking is placed we charge a fee of 1250NOK to confirm the booking and reserve the dates.
Lyngenguide normally only offer private guiding. With us you go with the mountainguide in a closed group.
Reduced emissions = reduced price
Lyngenguide support sustainable means of transport. If you choose to travel to Lyngen without flying you can achieve up to 20% price reduction on our guiding.
For the Lyngen traverse the following discount apply:
50-60% reduced emissions* - 1000NOK
60-70% reduced emissions* - 2000NOK
70-80% reduced emissions* - 3000NOK
80-90% reduced emissions* - 4000NOK
More than 90% reduction* - 5000NOK
*(Calculated by comparing the estimated emissions from your travel mode to flying, using https://travelandclimate.org/)
Group size
For alpine ski touring we recommend a guide to guest ratio at 1:4, but accept up to six guests pr guide. If your group consist of more than six persons, we will provide additional guides. In complex terrain, the ratio might be 1:2 or 1:1.
Booking and payment
Once you have made a reservation with us, you need to confirm the booking by paying a booking fee of 1250NOK. Please use our PayPal service within 24 hours after your reservation for this payment. You will then recieve a booking confirmation and receipt.
The booking fee will not be refunded! Exceptions are force majeure or if Lyngenguide cancel the booked activity.
The remaining amount is sent as an invoice via e-mail. The invoice is due 30 days (for the Lyngen traverse; 60 days) before the first day of your booking.
If your booking is placed within 30 days (for the Lyngen traverse; 60 days)of booked date, you need to place your full payment within seven days of your booking.
Cancellations made between 30 and 15 days before booked date (for the Lyngen traverse; 60 to 30 days before booked date) entitle you to a 50% refund of the full payment. With cancellations made later than this, no refunds are made. All cancellations should be made in writing (email: post(at)lyngenguide.no ).
Mountain rescue in Norway is free for everyone, but all our guests need an insurance covering medical costs related to skiing and/or climbing in alpine terrain.
Please make sure your insurace company will cover your expences if you have to cancel your booking without being entitled to a refund.